Linda and I met Marion (Hutch) at the Rock Creek Kennel Club dog show on October 13, 1974 in Maryland. Hutch and her friends had come to watch the show. They had watched the Maltese judging and had seen our first dog, a Maltese. Her name was Oak Ridge Melissa (Missy). Missy went on to become a Multi Best In Show winner. |
Hutch and her friends invited Linda and I to have lunch with them. This was the start of a twenty eight year friendship with Hutch. Hutch was a radioman in the Navy during World War II. Linda’s father was also a radioman in the Navy. He was on the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid during World War II. We became very good friends with Hutch and so did Linda’s mother and father. |
Hutch showed her Cocker Spaniel Happy Girl XIX in obedience in the sixties to a UDT Title. She owned two Maltese bred by her friend Betty Thies. She owner handled her Maltese dog Vouvray to become an AKC Champion. Hutch also taught obedience classes. |
Hutch became a friend to Senator William (Bill) Cohen and his wife Janet Langhart Cohen. Bill Cohen became The Secretary Of Defense of The United States Of America under President Clinton. Linda, Hutch and Janet attended the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show together in 1994. |
Linda introduced Hutch and Janet Langhart Cohen to Janet Licate at Westminster. Our wonderful friend Hutch invited Linda and I to her 90th birthday luncheon, which was held at The Pentagon in Washington, DC on December 14, 1999. |
My wonderful friend Hutch died on June 25, 2002 at the age of 92. I spoke at A Service of Thanksgiving about her life in The Falls Church in Virginia on July 16, 2002. Hutch was a “Wonderful Friend”. I know she is helping my beloved Linda watch over Lin-Lee Maltese Exclusively and me. |
H. Lee Coleman
"Lin-Lee Maltese Exclusively"
New Eagle, PA (USA) 15067